Gliffaes Hotel
The Gliffaes hotel had a requirement to upgrade their wireless infrastructure and increase the range of their wireless network to provide coverage to nearly every room in the hotel.
Requirements: Wireless Infrastructure Upgrade, Extend WiFi Network
Location: Gliffaes Hotel, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1RH
Our brief was to upgrade existing infrastructure, providing a robust wireless network extending throughout nearly all rooms in the hotel.
Our Solution
5c Services Ltd procured and installed a new unified Wireless system within the Gliffaes Hotel. New wireless access points, managed switches and a cloud accessible management controller were used to ensure future management and maintenance can be done quickly to minimise downtime to the wireless network which is used by someone almost constantly.
All infrastructure work was undertaken first to ensure there was no extended downtime whilst the new system was installed, once the infrastructure was updated and tested the Wireless Access Points were changed and the new switches installed and configured.
The final stage was to configure the management controller where all wireless functions, security rules and limitations are configured.
Wireless network was configured and the system was fully tested prior to handing the system back to the customer.
The new system can now be easily extended to provide access to further areas of the business. We now continue to provide onsite and remote support to ensure the system continues to run optimally.