Exciting times ahead with new director appointed!
Following the last few years of success and growth, founding directors Mike and Kat recognise that this outcome has been largely due to dedication and commitment from all of its employees and in particular, our long serving IT Engineer, Huw Jones.
Company Directors (from left to right): Kat Cook, Huw Jones, Mike Cook
Huw has been with 5c Services since June 2011 and his incredible commitment and ability has been a key component to the growth of the company. Our clients would agree that he delivers a strong, consistent level of customer support and is always on hand to help clients through queries in varying levels of complexity. He has many years of experience in IT and his skills are constantly expanding. In addition to customer support, Huw has also been proactive in generating new ideas, putting customers (and 5c) first and has on many occasions had an important role in strategic business decisions.
So in light of all this we are delighted that Huw has accepted invitation to join Mike and Kat as a Director of 5c Services.
Huw will continue with his IT role in the business and his new role will encompass additional managerial and strategic aspects. We are very excited about what this will mean to 5c Services and our clients, energising the business for what is looking like a prosperous future.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Huw on his new role!