Life of a roaming 5c engineer
Earlier this year 5c Services were asked by another Outsourced IT support company in London to help out due to other staff commitments they had. As we have provided this service numerous times in the past we were happy to assist.
So our engineer Alun made his way to the big smoke and below is his summary of the experience….
'This seemed like a great opportunity that I didn’t want to miss out on. As well as prospect on gaining more experience in working with corporate organisations I wasn’t going to complain or refuse offer of living in a hotel for few weeks and not have to worry about food or anything. So we agreed I was going to make my way down to be based in other office and for 3 weeks I provided cover for another IT support company based to the north west of London.
This company provided support for a variety of different clients including charities, financial institutions and educational institutions, support was therefore varied but I was used to this at 5c and could easily apply my experience to this. While there I got to experience working in a larger office environment, with a variety of different clients and using a different set of support tools to what I am normally accustomed to – this did prove challenging sometimes but keeping a cool head (or was it the air conditioning above me?) I cracked on with the rest of the team. The people I worked with while there were all very friendly and helpful, and I very much enjoyed my time there.
“We agreed that I was going to make my way down to be based in other office and for 3 weeks I provided cover for another IT support company based to the north west of London”
Whilst there, I also got to travel into London on the weekends where I was able to visit several museums and do some sightseeing – not something you get to do every day so I’d be silly not to take up the opportunity!
It was soon time to head back over the bridge as it seemed that the pub quiz won’t write itself and I did miss tranquillity of welsh countryside. So the following week 5c Services top was back on and luckily I remembered how to answer the phone as 5c! ‘