Winter is coming...
The garden furniture is being packed away, the factor 50 sun tan lotion is being put into the drawer and those linen shorts that you were told made you look ‘young and cool’ are being firmly put back into the cupboard, so you know, that winter is coming.
Up to four million people in the UK have now been registered as remote/home workers.
And with winter looming comes its own number of headaches for employers. Dangerous roads leading to employees not being able to come into the office, regular sick absences, hardware failure due to bad weather and general low morale. So, remote working from home during those long winter months have become more popular than ever.
As of April 2017, up to four million people in the UK have been registered as ‘remote/home workers’ and this is only looking to increase as working remotely benefits employers not only during the winter months but all year round. With advantages, such as less money spent on office space (lowering overheads) and high productivity from employees it makes sense for employers to seriously consider remote working.
A common miss-conception we encounter here at 5c is that people presume you need excessively expensive enterprise level IT equipment for employees to work from home. Whilst your average home router might not cut the mustard it doesn’t take a lot to setup a secure form of remote access and once that is complete, remote users will have exact same access as if they were sat at their desk in the office.